SOON we will be having Remembrance Day and parades to remember the dead, and rightly so. Thousands of young men and women were killed in our Armed Forces. But there are also the remnants, and I call them this as they are like remnants, bits and pieces to be treated as rags.

I refer to the wives and husbands of the Second World War dead, now in their 80s and 90s.

Who remembers them? Treated as rubbish at times, often, like me having been bombed out, left to bring up families on their own.

I even had to fight for my pension through the wonderful Royal British Legion (never forget them). We are either invisible or at best pushed aside - not listened to. For months I have written to Tendring Council and Essex County Council, trying to get paving slabs in Castle Road levelled off and potholes repaired in Old Road, between Castle Road and the car park, but no one listens.

Whether you walk with a stick or ride on a buggy, these holes don’t help you. If you have arthritis and ride on a buggy, the continuous jolting is extremely painful.

Thousand have been spent of the roadway at the corner of Old Road and Waterglade, but the pavement and that of Castle Road goes untouched.

Come on all you who remember the dead, do a bit of remembering the elderly - the living from the Second World War.

J Roberton
(Full address supplied)