COLCHESTER hospital has put an action plan in place to improve patient care after being criticised in a report released earlier this year.

The 'dignity and nutrition' report was put together by the Care Quality Commission, and included inspectors visiting 100 hospitals in April.

The report hit out at the level of care in several hospitals, with Colchester General described as providing moderate concern.

In both the stroke unit and Birch ward, a care of the elderly ward, they found patients were waiting for help from nurses after pressing their call bells.

Inspectors praised the choice and quality of meals, but said some patients who had difficulty eating were not receiving the proper assistance.

While inspectors found staff mainly treated patients in a respectful way, they needed to communicate better with them about their treatment.

But the hospital has now put together an action plan to improve standards.

Director of finance Mike Baker said: “We have been aware of the CQC findings since June.

“The investigation found that we treat patients with dignity and provide nutritious food.

“However there were some areas where improvement was needed and an action plan has now been put in place to address that.”