Annual Pantomime
BENTLEY Green Players once again transformed the village hall into a theatre, and gave an entertaining version of Treasure Island.

With new director, Chris Whiteman and a company made up of some experienced adults and a large number of enthusiastic youngsters, three evenings, and a matinee, of fun, song and dance ensued.

The audience joined in from the opening number, enjoying the verve of the choruses, the comic duos, and the corny jokes.

The costumes were bright and simple except, of course, for the Dame (Steve Webb) in all her finery, and menacing Captain Silver (Richard Upson) in full pirate regalia, complete with splendid parrot.

There’s a lot of talent among the young people of Great Bentley, and it was used to great effect.

Everyone came out with a smile, after a fast-moving, rip-roaring show.