Police have outlined the powers they have to safeguard domestic abuse victims during the Euros as it is feared the tournament could see these incidents rise.

Domestic abuse is not solely connected to football and the issue remains a force-wide priority throughout the year.

However, as the force sees an increase in domestic violence throughout major tournaments, it has confirmed the plans and powers it has to protect victims during the upcoming Euro 2024 football tournament.

An Essex Police spokesman said: "Where we are called to incidents of a domestic nature, our priority will always be the safety and wellbeing of victims.

"We will always encourage them to be supportive of police action against the perpetrator.

"But we also know that will not always be the case. Where we cannot secure an immediate charge against a perpetrator, we will proactively use the powers available to us in order to safeguard victims throughout the tournament.

"Where they don’t want to speak to us, we will ensure they are referred on to partner organisations."

The force issues 48-hour domestic violence prevention notices to perpetrators who have not been charged, but who officers strongly suspect have been violent in the domestic setting.

These mean the suspect cannot return to the home in that time and within these 48 hours, a court hearing takes place where the notice is converted into a domestic violence prevention order. This is then in place for 28 days.

"Throughout the tournament, where there is evidence that a domestic incident can be directly linked to football, officers will also compile evidence to submit to the Crown Prosecution Service which will consider asking the courts to apply a football banning order to convicted perpetrators," they continued.

"That would be in addition to any restraining orders or non-molestation orders imposed by the court.

"In order to do that, we will have to submit evidence to show a person is guilty of a 'relevant offence', which is laid out in the Football Spectators Act 1989, which includes 'any assault'.

"The CPS and the courts will then have to decide whether there are reasonable grounds that applying the order would help prevent violence or disorder at or in connection with football matches.

"We are determined to work with our colleagues in the CPS in order to secure these orders where possible."

Essex Police is also dedicated to tackling drink and drug driving and hate crime incidents, which often also increase during major tournaments.

A hate crime is defined as any incident which is perceived by the victim, or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on a personal characteristic – this can be disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender identity.

"Hate crimes of any sort, be it in person or online, are not tolerated in Essex and we will work hard with the CPS to bring offenders to justice," the spokesman added.