A TREASURED care home resident who loves having her hair done and shopping has celebrated a milestone birthday.   

Marjorie White, also known as Margie, marked her 100th birthday with a party at Spring Lodge, in Clacton.

Born on May 7, 1924, she enjoyed opening cards and presents with her son Brian and staff, before speaking to grandson Billy in Australia via Facetime.

Later, she enjoyed an afternoon tea at the Kingscliff Hotel with her family.

Pupils from Clacton Coastal Academy also joined Margie at the Black Swan care group residence, where she has lived since August 2021.

The kind-hearted students gifted her specially made cards and a present.

A spokesman for the academy said: “The residents thoroughly enjoyed all the pupils’ company and have invited them back for an afternoon tea.

“The experience is shaping our students into compassionate community members and they can’t wait for more visits.”

Margie was born in Manchester and lived in Ilford, Dagenham, and Romford before finally settling in Clacton.

She, her sister, and her brother went to school in Manchester before the family moved to West Ham in London in 1937.

Margie got an engineering job after leaving school and has also worked in an office.

She married her first husband William, who sadly died, and then met her second husband Thomas, who she had two children with during their 50 years together.

Her son Stephen has since died, but her other son Brian continues to visit Margie most days, along with other family and friends. 

According to bosses at the home, Margie enjoys having her hair done, going for coffee and cake, and shopping, which the care team also enjoys doing with her.

Debbie Savva, manager at Spring Lodge, said: “We’ve had so many lovely messages for Margie.

"Lots of cards arrived at the home and we even received a blanket from a local lady who saw our post about Margie’s upcoming birthday.

“We always make our residents’ birthdays special, so it’s been a really lovely week.”

Black Swan care homes provide short-term respite care and longer-term care across East Anglia.

All Black Swan care homes are rated Good or Outstanding with the Care Quality Commission.