SAVE the Naze campaigners are determined to crank up their campaign to slow the erosion of Walton's cliffs.

The group are planning an event that coincides with World Environment Day to encourage spreading awareness and action for the protection of the environment.

It is supported by many non-governmental organizations, businesses, and government entities, and represents the primary United Nations outreach day supporting the environment.

The Naze Protection Society said it has recently had a huge increase in membership as awareness of the problem of coastal erosion spreads.

The organisation intends to work with all stakeholders and local people to work on their goal of slowing down the erosion of the Naze cliffs.

One key partnership will be with the Centre for Coastal Communities at Essex University.

This new centre will be delivering research, innovation and impact to address the challenges coastal communities face and take advantage of the opportunities they offer.

As a part of the Institute of Public Health and Wellbeing, the centre will become a national hub of excellence and champion coastal communities.

The centre is committed to making an impact locally, regionally and internationally by engaging with and supporting coastal communities.

They will be working in partnership with service users, policymakers, frontline professionals and the public and build on the University’s track record of working in collaboration with local authorities and national groups.

These include Coastal Communities Alliance, the Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System, Essex County Council and Tendring District Council.

David Eagle Chair of the Naze Protection Society said: “We have a headwind of support that needs to address the bureaucracy that I believe struggles to understand the challenges of the future. It is crucial however that we break down barriers and work together.

"The future is uncertain but the coming of climate change is uncompromising and therefore the stronger the action now, the better our future will be.

"Our arguments must be based on credible evidence, and creating that evidence needs to be our current focus.

"Building that evidence and ensuring it has peer-reviewed credibility will then swing both decision-makers and the local community into understanding why we need to hold onto the Naze for the foreseeable future. “