AN enormous onion was found at a fish and chip shop in Clacton inspiring the staff to have a little fun. 

The Fish Inn in St John’s Road made a curious find on January 5 when an employee found a particularly large onion at the shop. 

Staff member Megan, who was preparing the salad for the day found “Ollie the onion”, as the team at the Fish Inn fondly named it. 

Lucas Lambrou, owner of the Fish Inn, said: “We found Ollie in a bag of onions we purchased for our shop.  

Clacton and Frinton Gazette:

“All we can tell is that he is of Spanish origin, and he was found by our college Megan when preparing the salad for that day.  

“Our team was enthusiastic about his discovery and were very quick to name him, clothe him and give him training and a job role.” 

Clacton and Frinton Gazette:

In a short video, the team introduced the curious find weighing 1.13kg, showing how it was introduced to the various parts of the kitchen and shop. 

Clacton and Frinton Gazette:
“He had the best couple of days, but he has now left us to fulfil his destiny. Many ‘tears’ were shed but ultimately he fulfilled his lifelong ambition,” Mr Lambrou jokingly added.