A WALTON choir has raised hundreds of pounds for a children's Down's syndrome charity.

Walton Feelgood Choir performed a fundraising show at All Saints Church, in Walton, in a bid to raise money for Candles.

Candles is a parent-led organisation that supports children with Down's syndrome, which was chosen by choir members as the beneficiary of the event.

The concert raised £418 for the charity.

Clacton and Frinton Gazette: Song - Walton Feel Good Choir performing in the churchSong - Walton Feel Good Choir performing in the church (Image: Walton Feel Good Choir)

Lisa Strong, the founder and leader of Walton Feel Good Choir, said: "A group of mums that run Candles came to our choir practice and told us about the stigma they faced when their babies were born, and the lack of support they experienced through all the complexities of nurturing a child with Down's syndrome.

"They also told us all about their wonderful children and all the light and joy they bring. We were so excited to be able to support them this year.

"Our concert was an amazing success and we are so proud to have been able to raise £418 on the night, which will add greatly to all our other event proceeds from 2023."

Clacton and Frinton Gazette: Together - Members of the Walton Feel Good Choir and children of the parent's who run Candles sing Robbie Williams Angels while also signing MakatonTogether - Members of the Walton Feel Good Choir and children of the parent's who run Candles sing Robbie Williams Angels while also signing Makaton (Image: Walton Feel Good Choir)

The choir learned Makaton, a simplified version of sign language, which they used during their performance of Robbie Williams 'Angels', with which the children from Candles also joined.

Lisa said: "It was so heartwarming to see the whole choir and children singing and signing together, it was such a a magical moment.

"I'd like to say a huge thanks to the All Saints Church team and Reverend Peter for their hospitality.

"We are coming back next year and hope to make this an annual event."

For more information visit the Walton Feel Good Choir Facebook Page.