Calling all schools and offices...or even just people who are getting in the festive spirit for Jumper Day, we want to see your funniest photos.

Save the Children hold Christmas Jumper Day every year and this time the event is on Thursday 7 December 2023.

But you can celebrate on whatever day works for you!

We know a lot of people take part in the good cause so it's nearly time to put on your Christmas jumper and help kids in the UK and around the world get the best future ever.

There's more to Christmas Jumper Day than wearing a silly jumper. You'll be helping children facing serious issues like war, hunger and poverty.

We are running a supplement in the Lancashire Telegraph with images of your 'Christmas 2023' and we hope our readers will share their photos.

You can do so by posting them in the assignment below or you can share them on social media or even email them to