PLANS to transform a seaside town's former undercover market into a new warehouse and cash and carry have been thrown out by council bosses.

Tendring Council's Economic Growth Group and Essex County Council's heritage team have refused proposals for the old Clacton Covered Market, in Rosemary Road.

The blueprints aimed to “offer Clacton an opportunity to significantly improve a derelict urban town centre site” by promoting an “active street shopping frontage”. 

Developers wanted to establish a new warehouse at the site, as well as a cash and carry business.

Objecting to the plans, however, Essex County Council's heritage team has said “the proposed cash and carry is considered highly inappropriate in terms of scale, design and materials.

It is also feared it would "result in a further incongruous addition which would detract from the character and appearance of the Conservation Area."

"The proposed development fails to make a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness," the report adds.

Tendring Council's economic growth team also objected to the plans. 

It criticised the lack of off-street parking on offer, and cited limited parking spaces on the street nearby, a loss of already scarce parking opportunities in the town centre and Clacton already having a cash and carry as the reasons for refusing the proposal. 

Clacton Covered Market closed back in August 2022 after more than 40 years following the retirement of its owners Lesley and Martin Croxford. 

The market is based at what originally used to be Clacton Dairies’ milk bottling plant before it was transformed by Mr and Mrs Croxford into a market, which opened in 1982. 

Over the years it has helped numerous start-up businesses and is currently home to the Wool Stall, alongside a café, vaping cabin, jewellers, darts supplies, furniture, pet supplies, books and antiques.