Residents and visitors will not be charged by Tendring Council for parking at a park popular amongst dog walkers, it has been confirmed. 

Signs installed at the car park near Brook Park Country Park in Clacton had residents fearing they would have to pay when visiting the park. 

According to the council, the signs have gone up to inform about the amendment of parking orders in case the council wants to introduce electric vehicle charging points in the future. 

In this case, the park would gain powering stations for electric vehicles but not introduce parking areas with fees attached to them. 

The signs made frequent users of the park like dog walkers worried. 

While the park is welcoming dogs and their owners, there is also a special dog-free zone in the centre of the park. 

The car park is located at the main entrance of the park in Britton Way, opposite the Tesco store, and has disabled parking available. 

It is open seven days a week between 8 am to 9 pm between May 1 and October 31, and from 8 am to 6 pm between November 1 and April 31.