AN adult learning provider is encouraging Tendring residents to try their hand at languages in the new year.

ACL Essex will launch free language and communication tasters in Spanish, Italian, French, Greek, German, British Sign Language (BSL) and Makaton,

The sessions will take place online and at ACL Essex centres across the county and the free sessions will give learners the opportunity to gain support from tutors and a wide range of resources.

Jennie Johnson, 53, of Colchester, studied Italian with ACL Essex and was an English teacher with a love of Italy but her recall of the language slipped over the years.

She said: “The classes are great at helping me pick up what I knew as well as learn new words.

“I really enjoyed the lessons; it’s not like being at school. The classrooms are relaxed as everyone has chosen to be here, and the tutors offer good support, and they give extra help when we need it”

ACL Essex learner Judith progressed her Makaton learning in an online course, she is now using those skills to set up a charity.

Lisa Jarentowski, ACL Essex principal, added: “With so many benefits, we’re excited to be hosting these language tasters at ACL Essex in 2023, so that residents can try their hand at languages for free.”

The sessions will run from January 19 to April 17, for more information visit