PLANS have been submitted to convert a house into a children’s care home.

The bid for the address in Long Road, Lawford, has been submitted to Tendring Council by Kedleston Group.

Kedleston Group cares and educates more than 500 children across the UK.

It offers 52 week residential placements for children and seeks to “emulate the care and support” someone would have in a family home environment.

The home in Lawford would be for up to five children between the ages of eight and 18.

The report said: “All domestic duties such as cooking, cleaning and gardening will be shared by the children and the carers to replicate a typical home environment.

“In essence, the proposal will utilise the property as a dwelling where the children and carers reside as a family unit.”

Staff will not reside at the property permanently but rotate on a shift basis with other staff.

It added: “Given the relatively small scale nature of this use, the proposal will not result in any comings and goings in excess of those which could reasonably be expected in this mainly residential area.

“Moreover there is no reason to suggest the creation of a children’s care home in this location would result in any material amenity concerns in respect of privacy, noise and disturbance or anti social behaviour.”

Tendring Council will have the final say on the plans.