KEY priority areas of action for Tendring Council have been agreed by the authority’s cabinet.

At a meeting on Friday, February 25, senior councillors adopted the priorities, which include redevelopment of the Starlings site in Dovercourt, completion of the covered market and workspace in Jaywick Sands and delivering against the Climate Change Action Plan.

A new corporate investment fund, put forward when the budget was agreed by the council last week, was also adopted to prioritise funding for key projects.

The fund would see a new board set up to consider projects against the money available and will also take on work already underway from the previous back to business programme.

Neil Stock OBE, Tendring Council leader, said the new priorities and fund would help to keep the authority focused for the year ahead.

He added: “This new approach, introducing a live funding stream, means we are not reliant on projects being ready at budget-setting time for adoption.

“It also allows us to flex and respond to challenges and grasp opportunities as they arise.

“Our successful back to business programme kick started the district’s recovery from the impacts of the pandemic.

“Building on this, these priority areas and funding will see our area continue to thrive over the next financial year in line with the wider priorities identified within our Corporate Plan.”

Initial projects to be considered under the corporate investment fund will be brought forward by cabinet members for each of their areas, drawing on existing strategies and proposals.

Some schemes are already underway or being worked up such as replacement of the equipment at Weeley Crematorium and development of the Honeycroft former sheltered housing site.

Other projects to be considered will include redevelopment of the Milton Road site in Dovercourt, public toilet improvements, and work identified by a housing conditions survey in Jaywick Sands.

In addition, the cabinet agreed to give each councillor £1,000 to support celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee around the district,

The scheme has been funded through the existing community budget fund and details will be worked up soon.