I AM writing to you to offer my heartfelt apology both to the people of Clacton but also to the excellent members of Clacton Labour Party for the fact that I resigned as their parliamentary candidate.

I put myself forward in Clacton with the best of intentions and in keeping with John Smith’s words of “what’s the point of being in politics if you can’t stand up for the people who can’t stand up for themselves”.

I genuinely felt I could make a difference to the lives of Clacton residents with whom I feel a genuine connection but accept that, given the current circumstances, now was not that time and I wish Kevin Bonavia every success.

I still hope that one day I’ll be given the opportunity to make such a difference to a place I have grown to love and a place I call my safe haven.

The opportunity to serve, that is all I ask.

Gideon Bull

Former Labour candidate for Clacton