I REFER to Des McGuire’s letter “Vile comments do not justify a prison sentence” (October 31).

Des asks: ‘When did this country pass a law to jail citizens for something that they have said, no matter how shameful it is?’

Freedom of speech and the written expression of an opinion have always been subject to certain limitations.

History shows that it has always been the case that free speech has limitations if you want to avoid prison or worse.

It does of course depend on your position in life on how freely you can speak and escape the full force of the law or jeopardise your employment.

Regarding the case Des refers to it was not just a case of “freedom of speech” but a case of posting an offensive message online.

It is important that the education of our children includes an understanding that respect and making harmful statements are subject to the law.

Michael Coughtrey

Woodrows Lane, Clacton