Name of Band

Kids With Torches

Genre of Band

Cinematic Electro-Indie

Information about the Band

We're a two-piece (on record at least, we're expanding the line-up to try and play the darn stuff live), consisting of myself (Matt Royal), and vocalist Jon Miles Taylor. I'm also the frontman of Picturesleeves, and Jon released an album under his own name last year. The original idea was to make quite subtle record, "a bit like Talk Talk", I think I said, but it ended up being a bit bigger and anthemic than we originally expected. The album is called "Carried Over Trees", and we're tremendously proud of it. The whole thing was done via email. I would record the instrumental track at home, and then email it to Jon, who would write and record the vocals, and then send back to me for feedback, and then tweaks were made if necessary. We've had airplay on BBC Introducing and massive support from Phoenix FM, as well as airplay from other stations around the country. We are currently giving away our debut album for FREE, which is obviously a great angle for a story.

Other websites

Upcoming shows

Riga Music Bar (headline show) - Sunday 23rd September

Contact Info

Matt - 07834 787071