WITH the economy going from bad to worse, and unemployment on the increase, there is now, more than ever, the need for alternatives to the dog-eat-dog individualism that we have been used to for decades.

A time bank is one such alternative, which can be a safety net for people in hard times.

Our time bank, which started in April this year is growing in membership.

It is a network of people with different skills and different needs. When you join, you state what skills and services you can offer and what you would like help with.

Our motto is “Strengthening our community through acts of mutual kindness” and we are a non-political, non-religious organisation.

In times of economic uncertainty, our biggest resource is each other, because we all have skills or things we can do that others need, whether it is gardening, help with decorating, walking the dog, help with budgeting, helping with the administration of the time bank, or other jobs.

The more people there are in a time bank, the more skills there are on offer.

In exchange for your skills or services, you receive time credits.

One hour equals one credit, whatever the service or level of skill.

This credit is then banked and can be used later on to spend on a service you need.

No money changes hands and it costs nothing to join.

Tendring Time Bank currently has bi-monthly public meetings at Pier Avenue Baptist Church, in Clacton, and our next one is on November 3, at 2pm.

Come along to find out more, or call Ian Layzell on 01255 420021 or by e-mail at ian-layzell@hotmail.co.uk.

Peter French
Lymington Avenue