WHEN I heard the Government was going to give people more say in local planning, I was quite impressed.

What a fool I was. Here is their idea of having a say: “You’re getting it, like it or not, or we send in the big boys.” You can have a say, but you can’t say “no we don’t want it”.

I see houses for sale by the thousand up and down Station Road in Clacton, in estate agent’s windows. Yet some idiot says we need even more.

This Government has taken our right to say no away. As for more choice in planning, it’s Hobson’s choice - you’re having it and that’s that. Some choice.

They have made a tragic error with our health service; we will all pay for it later. As for our council services, rates are frozen. But with cuts in library services, cuts in policing and cuts in all council services, they have no justification to increase them, have they?

Meanwhile, they sack council staff and give jobs to their friends in the private sector, who run for profit, not in your interest. Then you will see your rates go right up in the air to make some overseas shareholder happy, and the banks and city gents.

So, thank you Mr Cameron, we are waiting to choose where these houses go that we didn’t want in the first place. You can’t fool all the people all the time.

James Mcoll Smith
Spring Road
St Osyth