I AM very concerned about two teenagers, one a young woman, aged about 16, and the other a young man.

Each Friday and Saturday in Clacton, the woman sits outside the Edinburgh Woollen Mill, in Rosemary Road, the man sits outside Sainsburys on the High Street, with collecting hats and a notice stating they are homeless and hungry. Like other members of the public we give them money.

They only seem to appear at the weekends; the girl sits cuddling a large white dog. Where are their parents, social services or the police to allow this pitiful state? We can’t allow this in Clacton. It was rife in Colchester.

Hopefully this is not another con trick by teenagers to gain money from the public.

Don’t these teenagers want to obey their parent’s home rule, or try to work? Please try to sort this situation out, they are open to abuse.

D Bannister
Brighton Road