STRUGGLING young musicians from across Essex will be given hands-on help to break into the music business from a studio in Little Oakley.

We are Music, which runs rock school clubs across Harwich, has been given a cashpot to run a two-year project for young people wanting to progress their careers.

The £58,000 from Youth Music will fund the Get Known project.

Solo artists, bands and those wanting careers in the music industry will be able to get practical help in writing and recording songs, as well as filming music videos, getting fans and performing.

Chris Scott, a trustee of the charity, said: “The music industry has changed significantly, and artists and bands have to progress their career themselves.

“Not only are they expected to write and play music, but they must have a strong social media following, release their own music and make live performances. The days of sending an EP to a major label and them signing you to a contract have gone.

“We decided in this project, let’s just do it - we are working with young artists, helping them with writing, or if they want support recording and help release their single.”

Chris said in recent years it has become increasingly difficult for young musicians to get on the first rung of the ladder, but says this project will provide real hands-on help.

We are Music will provide an equipped studio for creative writing and recording, practical studio courses for professional studio tips, and a studio engineer to work alongside young musicians.

The project has links with industry professionals who will also give musicians feedback.

Live performance videos will be produced so artists have a showcase of their work.

Toby Scott, the project manager, said “These funded activities will really help artists to get their music out and move them on.

“There is nothing like getting your music played on Spotify or the radio to make you feel you are succeeding.”